Credits on title cards of episodes
Written By
- Douglas Bernstein 036
- Beth Bornstein 124
- David Carren 116
- J. Larry Carroll 083,087,096,102,110,116
- Barney Cohen 009
- Jeri Craden 047
- Lawrence DuKore 054
- Herb Engelhardt 080,090
- Sandy Fries 077,082,098
- Julian P. Gardner 005,006,007,009
- Ron Goulart 006,007
- Annabelle Gurwitch 056
- George Hampton 081,107,120
- Bob Haney 013,017,020,033,038,052,063
- Becky Hartman 106
- Peter Lawrence 015,019,022,025,026,038,043,048,051,053, 091,092,093,094,095,097,111,112,113,114,115,118
- Matthew Malach 064,101,121,128
- Denis Markell 036
- Mike Moore 081,107,120
- Kimberly Morris 062,079,084,099,103,117
- Romeo Muller 078
- William Overgard 010,016,021,027,031,035,085,100,108,109,119,122,126,130
- Danny Peary 058
- Stephen Perry 012,024,029,030,034,040,049
- Howard Post 018,032
- Bill Ratter 088,097,104,105,118,127
- James Rose 086
- Lee Schneider 039,054,055,065
- Bruce Smith 041,044
- Leonard Starr 001,002,003,004,008,011,014,023,037,042,046,050,061, 066,067,068,069,070,071,072,073,074,075
- C. H. Trengove/Chris Trengove 028,045,057,059,076,089,123
- Kenneth E. Vose 060
- Heather M. Winters 056
- Dennis J. Woodyard 125,129
In credits at end of episodes
Executive Producers - Arthur Rankin Jr.
& Jules Bass
Supervising Producer - Lee Dannacher
Animation by - Pacific Animation Corporation
In Charge of Production - Masaki Iizuka
Animation Staff
- Katsuhito Akiyama (Season 1)
- Cozy Hagiwara (Season 2)
- Yukimatsu Ito (Season 1)
- Kazuko Katsui (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068)
- Seok Ki Kim (Season 3, Season 4)
- Tameo Kohanawa (Season 3, Season 4)
- Shigeo Koshi (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068)
- Tsugu Kubo
- Minoru Nishida
- Kazufumi Nomura (Season 1)
- Toshihiko Sato 001,003,004,005,006,007
- Akihiko Takahashi (Season 1)
- James C.Y. Wang 002,014,019,023,037
- Takahiro Yamada 067,068
- Ryo Yasumura 067,068,(Season 3, Season 4)
- Yuji Yatabe (Season 1),067,068,(Season 3, Season 4)
- Kazu Yoshihara 067,068
Based on Characters Created by - Ted Wolf
Project Development - Leisure Concepts, Inc. (Season 1),067,068
Head Writer - Leonard Starr
Music - Bernard Hoffer
Script Consultant - Peter Lawrence
Psychological Consultant - (Dr.) Robert Kuisis, Ph.D.
Voice Characterizations
- Robert McFadden
- Earl Hammond
- Larry Kenney
- Lynne Lipton
- Earle Hyman
- Peter Newman
- Gerrianne Raphael (Season 2, Season 3, Season 4)
- Doug Preis (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068, Season 3, Season 4)
Recording Staff
- John Curcio - Dialogue
- Michael Farrow - Music
- Tom Perkins - Editorial (Season 1),067,068
- Larry Franke - Editorial
- Michael Ungar - Editorial (Season 2, Season 3, Season 4)
- Pete Cannarozzi - Effects
- John Crenshaw - Editorial (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068, Season 3, Season 4)
Secondary Character Designs
- Jim Meskimen
- Michael Germakian (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068, Season 3, Season 4)
- Bob Camp (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068, Season 3, Season 4)
- Pepe Moreno (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068, Season 3, Season 4)
Production Staff
- Anthony(Tony) Giovanniello
- Matthew Malach
- Connie Long
- Peter Bakalian (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068, Season 3, Season 4)
- Dennis J. Woodyard (Season 3, Season 4)
- Heather Winters
- Karen Seigel (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068, Season 3, Season 4)
- Charles Hasegawa (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068, Season 3, Season 4)
- Eleanor Musiol (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068, Season 3, Season 4)
Closed Captioned
for the Hearing-Impaired
with funds provided by
Telepictures Corporation (Season 1)
Lorimar-Telepictures (Season 2)
LJN Toys, Ltd.
ThunderCats (Logo Title)
© 1985 Telepictures Corporation (Season 1),067-credited in error-,068-credited in error-
© 1987 Telepictures Corporation (Season 2, sans episodes: 067,068-likely missing credits in error-)
© 1988 Lorimar (Season 3, Season 4)
characters are Tradmarks of Telepictures Corporation. (Season 1, Season 2)
are Tradmarks of Lorimar (Season 3, Season 4)
All rights reserved.
Rankin Bass Animated Entertainment
Telepictures Corporation (Season 1)
Lorimar-Telepictures (Season 2, Season 3, Season 4)