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The Sword of Omens is a legendary weapon and great cultural treasure to the Thundercats. It is the counterpart to the Sword of Plun-Darr and the container of the War Stone; it's one of the most powerful weapons to exist on Third Earth. When not in combat, the sword is kept sheathed within the Gauntlet of Omens, a gauntlet that holds the Spirit Stone and acts as its sheath, armor, and shield.



Generations ago, before Mumm-Ra's planetary invasion to acquire the War Stone, Mumm-Ra sought guidance from the Ancient Spirits to aid him in his quest for ultimate power. The Ancient Spirit told Mumm-Ra that he would need a blade to channel the War Stone's power. To do that, he would need the "blood" of a star to create such a fantastic weapon: The destruction of the Plun-Darr Star System.

The success of collapsing the star vaporized the Plun-Darr System, and a black hole formed by Plun- destruction absorbed the remains. However, one of Mumm-Ra's space probes acquired the "blood" of Plun-Darr (ore remains of the system in the process. Once aboard Mumm-Ra's ship, Mumm-Ra had the Ancient Spirits mystically empower the Puma Blacksmith to craft the “blood” into the Sword of Plun-Darr. However, the forging of the weapon convinced Leo and Panthera (ancient ThunderCats) to betray their master.

Leo realized that the Sword of Plun-Darr would be too powerful to defeat without equal measure; he secretly recovered the remains of the Plun-Darr ore (fragments of the original sword that fragmented off during its forging) to help forge a similar weapon. He fooled the rats that cleaned up the ore and had them turn over the fragments to him (under the excuse it was Mumm-Ra’s idea). Leo then secretly recruited the same blacksmith to help him forge a new weapon from the remains of the Plun-Darr ore.

Not long after, Mumm-Ra invaded the planet that had the War Stone. After Captain Tygus successfully acquired the War Stone, Leo and Panthera secretly retrieved the just-completed Sword & Gauntlet of Omens to prepare for their rebellion. They relieved the War Stone from Tygus and combined it with the Sword of Omens to complete the weapon. As a part of the Sword of Omens, the War Stone became the Eye of Thundera. Using the Sword of Omens to defeat Mumm-Ra, Leo and Panthera unleashed their coup and broke free of the enslaved beasts from Mumm-Ra. In a clash between the Sword of Omens and Sword of Plun-Darr, the Sword of Omens won, and Leo defeated Mumm-Ra and forced him to flee into his sarcophagus and trapped him inside. Though victorious, the resulting battle damaged the ship and crash-landed into Third Earth.

After their crash-landing, the surviving beasts parted ways to restart civilization, and the ThunderCats founded Thundera. The Stones of Power were separated to prevent one race from becoming dominant. The ThunderCats kept the War Stone intact with the Sword of Omens, but the gauntlet lost its power as other three stones de-joined from it. A vulture race took the Tech Stone (green), the Spirit Stone (pink) was moved somehow into the Astral Plane. The location of the cyan-colored stone is currently unknown. Despite all these preventions, the ThunderCats nevertheless managed to become a dominant race on Third Earth, since they kept control of the most potent weapon, the Sword of Omens. Since those days, the Lions have been ruling over all other ThunderCats clans. Leo's descendants became kings, passing down the Sword of Omens to each Lord of the ThunderCats, most recently from Claudus to Lion-O.

Ratilla's War & Cursing Plun-Darr[]

During an unspecified Cat King's reign, suggestively Claudus's reign, Ratilla somehow recovered the Sword of Plun-Darr from a swamp. Using its destructive powers, Ratilla used the Sword of Plun-Darr to become a despot and forced his rats to start a war against Thundera. Unwilling to allow such dark power to prevail, the King loaned Jaga the Sword of Omens to stop Ratilla. In another clash between the swords, Jaga's magic trumped over Ratilla in combat. As the Sword of Plun-Darr is filled with dark energies and too dangerous to be wielded by anyone, Jaga cursed the sword. The earth swallowed the sword and formed Mount Plun-Darr; those who dare enter the mountain will meet their demise there.

Mumm-Ra's Return & Lion-O's Inheritance[]

For several years, Thundera experienced long-term stability and peace. The Guardians of the Crown (the Clerics) protected the Sword of Omens until Prince Lion-O was of age to perform the sacred rite of passage: to prove he's worthy to bear the sword and inherit his kingdom. While attempting to master the sword, Lion-O activated Sight Beyond Sight, and the sword warned him of Mumm-Ra's return, but he chose to ignore it and used an immature excuse (admiring the ladies) to dodge the subject. Disappointed, Claudus felt the sword was ready, but not Lion-O and took back the sword.

When General Grune returned from his mission of searching for the Book of Omens, he betrayed his kingdom and helped Mumm-Ra's Lizard Army to invade Thundera. With General Panthro as a hostage, Grune fought King Claudus, and the king defeated him with the Sword of Omens. Unfortunately, Panthro was Mumm-Ra in disguise, and he slew Claudus. Mumm-Ra reclaimed the Sword & Gauntlet of Omens in an attempt to recover the War Stone; he was unsuccessful as ancient magic(s) imbued the sword, preventing him from touching him. Mumm-Ra's forces captured Lion-O and Tygra after their father's death, but they managed to escape and free Cheetara. The trio then rescued Jaga and recovered the Sword & Gauntlet of Omens. Lion-O wielded the Sword of Omens and used it to blast Mumm-Ra outside the chamber halls, allowing weakness of sun exposure to prevent him from transforming. While escaping, an injured Jaga made an impromptu ceremony to transfer leadership over to Lion-O. Jaga charged Lion-O to find the Book of Omens with the sword and was re-captured by the enemy as Jaga stalled the lizards to help the ThunderCats to escape.

Known Wielders[]

  • Leo - The first wielder of the Sword of Omens, he secretly had it forged by the Blacksmith Pumas to rebel against Mumm-Ra; deceased long ago.
  • Unknown Lord - Seen in flashback in Journey to the Tower of Omens
  • Claudus - The previous Lord of the ThunderCats, now deceased.
  • Jaga (Curse of Ratilla) - In a flashback scene (the only known non-Lord to do so).
  • Lion-O - Current user and Lord of the ThunderCats, Claudus's biological son.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • The blade of the sword is razor-sharp, never dulls, and indestructible. It can slice through materials as strong as solid stone and block and refract various forms of particle blasts.
  • It's able to change length from a dagger to a full-sized sword whenever its bearer wills it.
  • The sword can produce powerful blue lightning/energy blasts throughout the blade and a red energy blast from the Eye of Thundera.
  • Through the Eye of Thundera, it's able to grant clairvoyant visions with Sight Beyond Sight.
  • To prevent the sword from being used by dark forces, the sword was imbued with mystical and magical safeguards to thwart dark wielders from controlling its power (namely Mumm-Ra).
  • Through unknown means, the sword can sense the goodness in others and won't allow the wielder to harm a good person with its power (like Viragor).



  • It has been revealed that the sword will not extend if attempted to use against the forces of good.
  • In the 2011 version, there is an enchantment on the sword that keeps it from being touched by hands of pure evil such as Mumm-Ra, somewhat different from the original series where it can be touched by an evil individual, but can't be used for evil (however in the 2011 version it can be touched but not used by less evil beings such as Grune).


