ThunderCats wiki

The Six-Barrel Blaster is a six barrel machine gun like weapon bag used mostly by Hardware of the SilverHawks Series.


One of Hardware's more common weapons, he was shown with on at the briefing when Stargazer was explaining what his post in Limbo was facing. Hardware later used the weapon when the SilverHawks came to foil the mobs plans to take control of the Artificial Sun. In that stance he kept it in a few pieces in his Roll-Up Bag; ready to be put together for use. He also used the gun when seeking revenge on the SilverHawks for placing him in the Penal Planet. During another mob plot, Hardware and both Mumbo Jumbo and Buzz-Saw had them, while taking on Stargazer and Quicksilver at HawkHaven. In a plot to capture all the SilverHawks, Hardware pulled out one of the blasters on Quicksilver. In the plot of the rival gang black cars, Hardware tries to take on the two cars with the Six-Barrel Blaster loaded with triple strength laser shots. It failed to damage either of the cars.

Physical Description[]

Looks to be a six barrel machine gun, a bit bulky.




